When I wrote #The #Tailor‘s #Needle I had big plans. I had discovered something which could affect the whole world, even if in a slight measure. Such #discoveries are not easy to come by. I had been able to pinpoint, as an #educationist, what the best kind of education could be for the world. I don’t mean in science and technology but in “human science”, if I may permitted to use such a term. It was an education which had the best from both, the East and the West.
In addition, I had been able to create a #multicultural story that would interest people #globally.
To ensure that it had #literary worth and interest for the reader, I could bring into its texture #magical #realism, #postcolonial thought, the #comedy of #manners, the intrigues of a #murder #mystery, blending all these into a #Raj #novel, set in #British #India. Readers have said that the novel could easily be adapted into an #epic #film.
I was unfortunate in that the publishing business did not lap it up as the novel did not match their demand of a story which is no more than a light read in which the reader takes in, passively, without exerting her mind. The novel was first published in the UK, in 209, by a publisher who fell in love with it and thought the book would rock the world. Unfortunately,

my UK publisher died just when the book was published so that it had to be published a second time. This time, it was #Penguin #Books #India that didn’t care enough and did virtually nothing to promote it. In addition, they priced it so high (about $28.5) that few could afford it.
And yet the novel has reached most parts of the world because of the reviews and the recommendations of readers to other readers. A London reviewer compared this novel with the novels of Tolstoy, Pasternak, Agatha Christie and Jane Austen (https://www.google.co.in/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=The+Tailor’s+Needle%2C+winnow)
If this novel’s first publisher had lived on, my message would reach many more people. With a little bit of luck, that might still happen. But everything depends on how sensitive people are today in the publishing world. Will another publisher come forward to publish it, maybe along with my second unpublished novel, #Emancipation, which is currently with my London literary agent, Ms. Lisa Eveleigh.
- How Authors Can Sell More Books - April 11, 2018
- Pure Fiction - December 13, 2017
- I Think I Know - December 12, 2017